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Programming and Web Development

Best Frameworks for Building Progressive Web Apps

Best Frameworks for Building Progressive Web Apps
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Only in the United States, 130 million people own a smartphone. And iOS users are also in billions all over the world. This is why it’s not enough to create another web application, but developers are supposed to build sophisticated web apps.

Today, we know those apps as progressive web apps — PWAs. These applications function like native apps on mobile platforms. Even though you are accessing them from the web, you still enjoy a top-notch experience.

Progressive web apps offer seamless performance across all platforms and devices. But the thing is, how do you create them? What frameworks can you use to create such high-performance apps in little time and in a streamlined way?

That’s what we are going to discuss here. In this article, we are going to introduce you to the best frameworks available for building PWAs. So, without further ado, let’s get down to business.

Best Frameworks for Building Progressive Web Apps


When it comes to building progressive web applications, Angular is your best choice. Launched in 2009, it’s a product of Google and is considered the #1 framework for building progressive web applications. It’s a JS-based framework, which means it relies on JavaScript to create responsive and robust apps.

Angular features a method called ‘directives’ that helps developers to create websites that work on all devices. Without making any such significant HTML modifications, you can still write high-quality code that fits any apparatus.

Further, it uses TypeScript (if you don’t know what it is, it’s a superset of JS) to convert JS code into the languages you need to make development smoother. TypeScript can handle multiple programming languages, which is a huge plus for developers.

It also features a built-in powerful TypeScript compiler that you can use to write JavaScript code and access the latest APIs without even knowing the intricacies of JavaScript to program your website.

Angular 12 is the latest version of the technology. It is equipped with some amazing features that further simplify the job of a developer. Angular 12 offers support for TypeScript 4.2, CLI workflow enhancements, dynamic import for lazy routes, and differential loading.


The second-best framework is Angular’s biggest competitor, React — a product of Facebook. Both frameworks have a huge user base, that’s because their architectures are very similar and both are based on JavaScript.

React has a fast rendering process — thanks to virtual DOM. Moreover, it offers a create-react-app package that helps developers to set up the development environment and configure apps without any such hassle. Thus, PWAs can be built at a faster pace!

It has a wide range of JS libraries and utilizes JSX to link with HTML structures. The only downside is there’s no defined methodology. So implementing it can be a bit tricky if you are not experienced enough.


Ionic is another open-source software development kit to create progressive web applications. It is based on Angular components and Apache Cordova. You can use it for both cross-platform applications as well as PWAs.

Ionic features a Webview that can render web pages inside the device’s browser. So your website looks like a native application in appearance. You are able to directly control the code you are working on — which is very limited in other technologies.

Besides that, you can use Ionic’s UI components to add some additional features to your website. And this enables you to make the code more flexible and create exemplary experiences.

All in all, if you are looking for a framework other than React and Angular, Ionic should be your first choice.


Vue is another great option, it’s quite similar to React as it also utilizes virtual DOM for an efficient and lightweight representation of the real DOM. Using Vue, you can make the best use of integral web technologies like CSS and HTML.

Vue also uses JavaScript but in a more advanced way than React. Vue makes coding easy by providing two critical things: simplicity and high speed. One of the key reasons to use Vue is that giant companies like Laravel and Alibaba support this framework.

And what’s more, if you are familiar with both React and Angular, you won’t need much time to learn it.

5.Svelte PWA Framework

Our next recommendation is the Svelte PWA framework. This framework is quite similar to Vue and React, but there are small differences. It’s often deemed as a truly reactive framework designed to overcome the shortcomings of React.

Svelte’ ease-of-use is probably its biggest strength. Who doesn’t enjoy working on a drag-and-drop interface? With less coding, your progressive web application will be ready in little time.

Svelte should be your go-to framework tool for creating rapid prototypes to show your clients and demonstrate to them how the final product would look like. It may lack the deep features that Angular and React have, but its ease of use makes it a handy tool for web development companies.

Final Thoughts

As a web development company in New York, we use the most advanced frameworks to create high-performance applications. In the end, it all boils down to your preferences and taste. You can give each of the above-mentioned frameworks a try and see with which framework you find yourself more comfortable.

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